School in the 1960s

To lern about the 1960s I asked my grandad what it was like in school in the 1960s.

bad behaviour

"The headmaster had a cane, he would cane people's bottoms if they were naughty [...], another teacher used to throw a chalkboard rubber at pupils if they were misbehaving in class." -- Grandad Gillam

2019 is different to the 1960s because in 2019 if you were naughty you would be told off and put on time out but in the 1960s you would get hurt.


"Maths, english, geography, physiscs, physical education, technical drawing, art, general science, woodwork, religious knowledge, history, economics" -- Grandad Gillam

In the 1960s they lernd the same exeped PSHE.


"In secondary school you went into assembly and you stood with [...] the whole school [...]. The teachers and the headmaster would be up at the front and we'd sing a few hymns and say a prayer and then we'd go off to lessons." -- Grandad Gillam

That is the same exeped they did not sit down and we do not do a prayer and we sing pop songs and they sing hymn songs.


"In my younger days at secondary school we actually had a 'milk break' in the morning. Half way through the morning we'd all stop and have a small bottle of milk that was given to us. But they cut that out later on because it was too expensive." -- Grandad Gillam

They drank milk but we played outside.

Other things we learned

This section and the quotes above were typed by Zack's Dad.

School trips

Grandad went on school trips like I have.


It's the same because we both had uniform, but it's different because Grandad had a different uniform to us

Class size

"We didn't have any teaching assistants, we just had one teacher" -- Grandad Gillam

It's different because I mostly have four teachers but Grandad only had one teacher.

What did you have instead of computers?

"We didn't have calculators, computers, any electronic gizmos like that; we had pencils, paper, log books (for working out maths and stuff like that) and a slide rule which is like a ruler inside of another ruler that you can slide up and down and line things up to give you answers to questions" -- Grandad Gillam


At school I write with pencils and green pens, but Grandad used quills and fountain pens and cartridge pens.