winter cavern

It has been many years since 's time and the tiny village of has grown intoa huge,crowded town known as . These were years, until tales of dissapering children started to roam .People say the mysterious child-taker goes by the name of , who stelithly sneaks in just after midnight and when the sun rises the next morning, a child is always mising.

One faitful night, crawled in 's house undetected, as everyone slept.When woke, earlier then usual,he imediatly noticed that his beloved sister, , had vanashed! Crushed,he secretly stuffed his pocket with bread and nuts and stealthily crept out the house. He trudged through the thick,rough snow, as the rushing blizard swooped at him.He went on towards what seamed like an endless mountian side.

As through the furious blizard, he heard the high-pitched screached screached of a fox haning from the fox's mouth was a mesterious leather parcle.ontop, was a note saying "use this.". Filled with exitement, ripped open the parcel and found a scorching ,curved knife and up the mamouth,jaged mountian.